It is outcrossed to the Deadhead and then backcrossed to the Chem 91 so it’s actually to itself. -- The strain has an initially bracing head high, with pressure behind the temples with a subtle. Chem 91 by PTS: Looks decent but just more dry, terpless flower from them, despite the humidity pack. I use this to run small plants of new seed pops to find keepers. The Chem dankness. first time growing each strain. That the work of his day measures more than. Big Bad Wolf Chemdog D x Chem ’91 Big Bad Wolf 2. 92 and 0. Enter the world of Formula 1. i have chem91 skva bx4 from elite kings genetics and my green crack clone only at 17 days 12/12 today,i have 5 chem females and 4 males that i culled today,but i pollinated all plants lower branches with one of the chem males the other day. 9. The Chem 91 Skunk VA #5 Black Label Live Budder is gLeaf’s latest heavy hitting Indica concentrate. Despite it all, this strain has made it into an exclusive list of most asked for hybrids, which comes as o surprise. posers us fake lineage all the time. Woman owned and operated. -- Chem 91 is a popular hybrid bred from unknown parents and descended from the legendary Chemdawg strain. We all know that the D and the 91 are related, but. Perfect for pain management, stress relief or insomnia. change from one hand to the other, so the results are all quite similar and satisfying. The particular 413 cut I have is also a 91 leaning phenos and smells almost identical to its momma. Yield wise I hear chem 4 is the choice. If you don't like swerve or cali connection, thats cool. Out of stockChemdog 91 S1 from CSI Humboldt. terra rojo is the only other person whos seed company uses the legit clone only sk va chem 91. When burned, Chem 91 has a particular diesel flavor. Formula 1 cars, for example, run on specially formulated gasoline. I will be flowering out both and show both along the way. Insane Seed Posses Chem D BX3 Description. Woolf and Roux obtained. I have them under 720W of QB in a 1. Ghost OG x Chem 91. "Scary Larry" (classic/modern OG-mix) = Ghost OG x Lemon Larry-male (Elite Genetics, not alpine) or higher) i'll hit them onto each other for various combinations and release those lines. Respect my post. I also have double dawg and chem d. chem 91 and ghost og. It was actually the JB cut that was used, that being said I have grown the fuzz and its an excellent strain especially for Chem heads. the mosaic phenotype. Please bring pencils, erasers, and a nonprogrammable calculator without its case. 6a), the x-axis units of NMR spectrum are in ppm (not in Hz as we would expect for frequency), and the two signals stand at different position along the x-axis. indica ONYCD. Dec 8, 2012. The female seeds are Chem. , Yin, L. , Dillon, S. Chem 91 x Aliendawg is an indica leaning hybrid with a woodsy, pine aroma. The strain has a dank, earthy smell which, when buds are broken apart, turns harsher and skunkier. #1. Driven by a proton flux, the F1 asymmetric γ subunit undergoes a stepwise rotation inside the α3β3 headpiece and causes the β subunits' binding sites to cycle between states of different affinity for nucleotides. To date, only 26 drivers. (1). 5 0. 65 £ 25. 1. Chem 91 x Dosidos #18. 1. He has 4-star weak foot and 5-star skill moves, giving him the ability to perform every skill move in the game. Delete Chem 91 From My Favorites. The Chem dankness. Nov 23, 2015. Chem 91 (Hybrid) These are the children of Chem 91, a hybrid strain. 65. Effect. 0 6. HeadLites (Chem ’91 x NL1) x NL5 F3. the 91 is the original and arguably the best one, its the one found in og kush and sour d and other hybrids. Chem '91 Curing Project. Please arrive about 10 minutes early so that you have time to fill in some forms and so we can get started right on time. The official chem 91 was the original chem cut. Chem Sis is sharper/more acidic skunk with hints of the earthy garlic far in the background. He certainly does talk about his work with chem though, worth a listen if you’re into. VIEW PRODUCT % Blue Dream FAST Feminised Seeds £ 9. This cooler member of the Kardashian family easily puts them all to shame with super energetic effects that can leave you social and giggly for hours on end after just a few hits. 4m tent. . -- The strain has an initially bracing head high, with pressure behind the temples with a subtle. Also got the Pineapple Upside Down Cake Live Resin by Rythm, 2G for $120, & Stoop Fruit Live Res by Rythm (also 2g for 120). As the name indicates, you can expect a fuel flavor layered with earthy pine and lemon notes, paired with a strong leather and funk aroma. Yields will be great on her as she can pack on the weight in the later part of flowering stage. Upper/lower flammability or explosive limits Upper explosion limit: 13,4 % (V) Lower explosion limit: 2 % (V) Vapour pressure 43 hPa at 20 °C. One plant was a male and unfortunately discarded. Since Indianapolis is located squarely in the. contains protons and neutrons. Just need clarification on this problem, I understand that our mass percentage composition of C10H16O is 152. its more skunky lemony funk and the Chemdog D is still bomb and yields more then the 91. A pack of two (2) strain specific full gram pre rolls (2g total) by PTS. 5% copper? ANSWER: STERLING CHEM-91; Short Answer: Name the state function that represents the heat content of a system. ago. Deep skunk smell and taste. I was gifted these fine beans and was happy to document the progress here. It is more suited to. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment GoldenPants412 • Additional comment actions. The state you live in is directly going to impact how much money you spend on marijuana. (Chem D x i95 x Mandarin Cookies) x Headband x i95 Flowering Time: 63-70 Days. Crossref; PubMed; Scopus (190). THC. As the name indicates, you can expect a fuel flavor layered with earthy pine and. if its listed chem 91 its fake if its listed chem 91 sk va its real. OG Kush is Chemdog 91. Not Chem 91 alone, but the Chemdog 91 x D NL#5 from Swami Seeds is worth a try in my experience. The Baseball Glove pheno features dense heavily trichome-covered flowers featuring pungent flavors of chem and leather. 2264g. May 20, 2015. Dec 27, 2008. hybrid Purple Chem. Space is an issue at the moment but I will try and give a decent show and grow them at the best of my ability. I ran the full CES 3 part + 3 part additives. Dec 14, 2006. the ghost seems to be a bit of a bitch to. Jun 14, 2011. Much like many other members of the Chemdog line, the origins of Chem #91 are shrouded in mystery. Muneyuki, T. It was a very great smoke to relax to and be really motivated because it causes you to be creative. 5 x 2. Krzanowski's favorite tastes like it's hybrid offspring, GMO. The Chem 91 strain is a Sativa-dominant weed hybrid that descends from a Thai landrace strain. . CS 91 consists of two parts, a base compound and a catalyst. 1,546 Likes, 52 Comments - CSI: Humboldt (@csi_humboldt) on Instagram: "Chemdog '91 S1. ADD. With notes of diesel combined with traditional "skunk" scent, any connoisseur knows this strain has been around for a long time. The authority on Formula One, F1, MotoGP, WRC, IndyCar, F2, WEC, Le Mans, NASCAR and moreThis is a great thread and I wish I had come across it before popping my Chem 91 S1 from CSI. The chems, for the most part, all breed very differently. the male i used has great structure and has an incredibly offensive pure chem/fuel smell. . , Cheng, J. first off. This right here is the mother. After some thorough. 0. F1 F2 Na1 THF/MeOH Formation of b15c5PDI DNIC Burns, K. FYI - if you do pick something up, get the crippy over chem 4 this batch. 8b00032 1700 1500 1300 1100-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 l Wavenumber / cm-1. Noji, Cross-linking of two beta subunits in the. Located in the quiet area of Les Champcueils, hotelF1 Brétigny-sur-Orge offers an affordable break in comfortable, fully renovated #ontheroad rooms. The new car pheno is reminiscent of its Chem 91 heritage, with. 5 x 3ft Mini Tent. 1g. OG kush is a hermi seed from the Chem Dog from back in 1996 in Tahoe. hybrid Chem 91. We can also work backwards from molar. Genetics: Chem 91 VA x SFV x TK. Soil grown under a. D. " CSI: Humboldt on Instagram: "Chemdog '91 S1. ISP Chem91 bx3 (f-1) from Seed Skunkenstein Aug 18, 2022 Skunkenstein Active member Aug 18, 2022 #1 These plants are at day 63 grown from breeder Seeds. When burned, Chem 91 has a particular diesel, chemical flavor. Shoes Cover – 1 Pkt. Oct 22, 2022 #13 Insane Seed Posse has a very good Chem 91 . #1. East Coast breeders. Nov 22, 2021. . We report the synthesis and surface attachment of an ultrafast light-driven rotary molecular motor. Reviewers note it’s useful for controlling pain as well as inducing euphoria. He has 4-star weak foot and 5-star skill moves, giving him the ability to perform every skill move in the game. epic!! haha . In the presence of a transmembrane electrochemical gradient, clockwise rotation of. 0 mole of oxygen. Quest Genetics' D. 2013; 5: 1011-1018. It is outcrossed to the Deadhead and then backcrossed to the Chem 91 so it’s actually to itself. oswizzle Well-Known Member. , Song, Z. Please Note: This content is for informational and educational use only. Reactions: Killahbeez, xet, Dropped Cat and 4 others. 0 mole of H 2 O is composed of 2. Deep skunk smell and taste. Was eyeing this and jealousy earlier but I love some cookies and Chem so I went with this. Today, you can still find Chem ‘91, Chem 1, Chem 4, and Chem D, as well as a Chem Sis S1 which is famously in the GG4 strain. Chemdog is a cross between Dogbud and Chemweed, and true to its roots, this hybrid picks up all of those telltale traits of the family lineage: strong smell, cerebral buzz, and long-lasting effects. Chemdog 91 VA x 89 Skelly Hashplant. [Google Scholar] Selected Publications: Lv, S. Basic / Breeders Info. It's lineage is unknown, but rumor has it to be parented by Chemdawg and Skunk, which explains this strain's loud and pungent aroma. pdf from CHEM PHYSICAL C at University of the Fraser Valley. Benedict/St. Live Fresh Pressed Hybrid Rosin - Chem 91 [1g] Chem ‘91 is the plant that changed everything for cannabis almost 30 years ago - It brings dark notes of earth, pepper, pungent lemon, and pine that transition into a slow building euphoria that lasts for hours and can be felt heavy in the eyes. hotrodharley Well-Known Member. i can say that the only one that even remotely smells or tastes like real chem is the skunkva. A favorite among. Stout frame with plenty of horizontal branching with medium dense flowers that stack well. It is said in 1991 legendary breeder "Chemdog" had attended a Grateful Dead. chrome_reader_mode Enter Reader Mode. For now check out the mom, she is 2 years old and just went into flower 4 days ago. Dogbud is an unknown hybrid. 0 2. Stress. Chem #4 is more lemon/limey. , Tseng, K. Characteristics. SS stepping the cure up. Likewise, 1. Hearty heady stone that smacks you in the brain and leaves you with a smile. Onset Effects are heady, euphoric, Stoney and then become calm, relaxing, and sedated. This was a hydro grown plant so the buds were light n' fluffy, but very strong in smell and taste. 0 Chem ’91 x Chemdog DChem 91 Strain Genetics. The ground and some low‐lying excited states of both series are considered. -- Refresh flower is derived from a hybrid of sativa and indica strains, which encourage balance and clarity. In 1991, the breeder, Chemdawg, obtained some seeds at a (no kidding) Grateful Dead concert. 00 / seed Buy seeds. NF1 (aka NF-1) is a hybrid marijuana strain. There good guys, they seem to know there stuff. . His current price on FUT is 47,500. Mostly deep hash, skunk and a bit of chemical cleaner on the nose with the occasional sour fruit. Test Tube 100 ml – 1 Pc. The Chem Sis and Chem '91 came from the first four seeds Chemdog popped, Chem A-D were from the second group in 2001, and Chem 1-4 were the Reunion Seeds release from 2006. Chem took the words ‘Chem’ and ‘Dog,’ and there you have it. Today we’re looking at a strain called Chem 91, also called Chem Dawg 91 because it’s part of the Chem Dawg family. Evaporation rate 3,0. Much like many other members of the Chemdog line, the origins of Chem #91 are shrouded in mystery. The review discusses the main procedures for producing terephthalic acid from p -xylene (primarily the Amoco process with the participation of Co, Mn, and Br salts), the oxidation mechanisms, alternative processes, and perspectives. Rumored the original and best of the Chem Dog strains.